こんにちは皆様。 インドでは、今月から来月にかけて、選挙の時期に入りました。 町中(ケララ)で、各政党による演説や、集会が開かれています。 写真は選挙前の宣伝の一つですが、各政党がバイクや車、オートリキシャを使って、宣伝します。 その様子は、まさしく暴走族なみです(笑い)ノーヘルは罰金ですが、選挙中はいいのかなぁ??
Dear All,
I thought of writing this message as we approach the 2009 general elections. The 15th Lok Sabha elections are held when India is turning 62 since independence. The elections in India, more so the Parliament elections, are of increasing importance because we are fast developing to become the largest democratic economy in the world.
For the 1.1 plus billion (113+ Crores) Indians to realize their aspirations the Indian democracy has to necessarily change and evolve, with visionary leadership. India has 700 million young people who are capable of working and contributing to the economy. India has the youngest and largest workforce in the world, and they should be meaningfully employed. This is a great opportunity, but at the same time a big challenge too!
For most of the challenges that our country faces today (education, healthcare, law and order, communal harmony, tolerance, and beyond all, sheer poverty), development is a key answer. Reforms with a human face to create employment for our youth should be the priority! Meaningful employment creates hope, and a hopeful generation creates the future. India’s development cannot take place in isolation; it has to be inclusive and global. And for this, we need capable leadership (competent, yet compassionate) and the election is part of constituting that leadership. You might however say that you don’t see any great leaders there to give your vote, but let me tell you that great nations are not built by great leaders; they are built by ordinary people who became great because they built their nations great.
The people that I am addressing this message belong to the select few percent of Indians who are more privileged than the rest in terms of education and exposure. It is extremely important that therefore you cast your vote in this election, and in fact, in all those elections to come. In a democratic country like ours, economic progress can only come through a political process and we have the responsibility to participate and contribute to reform that political framework. While every vote is equal, your vote is far more powerful than the rest, regardless of the ideology or the philosophy that you uphold, because yours is an informed vote.
Please cast your vote!
やはり仕事できる人、改革人、は見ているところがすばらしい。 また、このように意見を発言しなくてはいけない立場である事を自覚している。 僕が言える立場ではないですが・・・えらい!!(笑い)と思います。実際、お金持ち、またはインドITエンジニアは給料が他の人よりも多いため、日本で言う、選挙に無関心である人もいます。 一部の人たちの所得が上がる一方で、ますます物価が上がり、貧困層が増え、カーストを強める動きが高まり、テロが増え、沢山の問題を抱えるのもインドです。 進んだ国、民主主義的な国にインドをするには、時間はかかるけど、国民による、正しい選挙が必要なのでしょう。
やっぱ日本食最高だわ♪ それにしても・・・終戦時のおっさんみたい・・・・
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