Kerala the land of blue lagoons and pearly beaches, emerald hills and green vales has an incomparable charm and elusive beauty. The ever changing scenario of tropical, azure blue lagoons, traditinal houses, shopping center, restaurants and hotels make this land look like an ever expanding city with suburban tentacles. The myths and mythology of Kerala are vibrantly alive in her art forms, music and culture. The people of Kerala are famous for their literacy and development, for their enterprise and entrepreneurship.
A tourist visiting Kerala has lot of expectations. This land with its peculiar weather, greenery that arouses a feeling of disbelief and innumerable aspects of cultural differences and traditions gives a visitor many instances of exhilarating surprises.
The entrepreneurship of Malayalis has been acknowledged abroad. Once Kerala’s exports were limited to spices and sea food. Now they include manpower. Nurses in Western hospitals and technicians in the Cyunber-countries have fully established the global presence of Malayalis.
The foreign tourists so long have been seduced by the Golden Triangle of Delhi, Jaipur and Agra of the Taj-Mahal. One may not find any legacy of history enriched by battles or contests or any architectural heritage that withstood the upheavals of time in Kerala. Still Travel and Leisure Magazine has featured Kerala as one of the 100 great trips of the 21st century and as one of the best breakfast destinations in the world. It is now identified as one of the 10 charming spots of the world. Kerala, widely known as God’s own country has now become one of the fifty must – see destinations of the world, by the National Geographic Traveler.
Politically Kerala holds a unique record. It is the first state in the whole world where communists came to power through democratic means. During its recent history Kerala has been ruled alternatively by the Left Democratic Front and the Right Democratic Front governments.
(政治的にもケララ州は特有の記録を持っています。それは民主的な方法で世界で始めて、共産主義が統治した州だからです。ケララ政治の最近の記録を見ても、ケララ州はLDF(共産系, もし くはRDF(民主系、ヒンドゥー保守系)の政党によって統治されています。)
Kerala has a past that reveals a period of feudal supremacy, foreign invasions, protests, upheavals and social re-organization. It is a land where people faced social changes abruptly and accepted spiritualism and revolutionary ideologies with equal importance. A peep into its history would be an interesting experience.
ケララ州の事少しは想像できたでしょうか!? えーとちなみに僕の今の仕事は翻訳ですが、まぁ・・・見る人が見れば一発で分かりますが、最低です(笑い)。 留学する前、一年も現地にいれば、英語は身につくと思いてましたが・・・甘かった。 会社では一人でよく凹んでいますが、周りの景色の美しさとチームメイトの優しさに助けられています。
話は変わりますが、来週は僕にとってビックイベントでもある、七夕が来ます。皆さんはもう願い事は考えましたか? 今年も恒例の行事を行います。楽しみにしていてください!(笑い)
http://2007-2008-66hamaehe.blogspot.com/2007/07/in-india.html時のたつのは早い!!! 去年の願い事はまだ叶ってないけど・・・・まぁ俺一様、給料もらって、翻訳してるからプロ(笑い)やし・・・・まぁボチボチということで。